
# Do what I have to do

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About Me

Play ctf in Team Defenit

Name : Hyung il, Moon ( aka. mhibio )
Skils : [ Pwnable, Reversing ]
Interested in : [ Pwnable, Reversing, Crypto, BlockChain, SmartContract ]
19 years old in Korean age


  • 2020 Defenit CTF


2021f, JUST CTF 🏆
2021f, Pwn2Win CTF 2nd
2021f, Defcon CTF Finalist

2020f, SECCON CTF 🏆
2020q, ASIS CTF 2nd
2020f, HackTM 2nd 2020f, TSG CTF 2nd
2020f, CyBRICS CTF 2nd
2020f, Whitehat Contest 3rd
2020q, m0lecon CTF Teaser, 4rd
2020f, Cyber Conflict Exercise (CCE) Finalist

2019f, DVP Global Blockchain CTF, 6th